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Home » Marijuana Strains Good For Neuropathy

Marijuana Strains Good For Neuropathy

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Medical marijuana has been shown to ease the symptoms for those who suffer with neuropathic pain. Here at Sensible Seeds we are particularly interested in the cannabis strains and treatments that will offer the most benefits for those medical marijuana patients suffering with neuropathic pain. We are committed to bringing you the latest news and information about the condition and the beneficial cannabis strains available to you as well as all medical marijuana patients. To this end we update the Sensible Seeds website as new discoveries come to light and give you access to plenty of valuable information drawn from a variety of well-established news and medical marijuana websites. A summary of this information is laid out for you below.



What is neuropathic pain?

Neuropathic pain is a specific type of pain that has usually resulted from irritation or damage to a nerve. These nerves can be located in the peripheral nervous system or the central nervous system (brain and spinal cord), or sometimes even both. Often the nerve damage has been caused by an underlying disease (such as diabetes or HIV) or because of an injury, perhaps through a stroke or spinal cord injury. HIV/AIDS, multiple sclerosis, and certain drugs and toxins are also a cause of neuropathic pain.

Peripheral neuropathy is relatively common and affects around 1 in 50 people. The condition tends to become more common in older people. Approximately 1 in every 10 people who are 55 or over will suffer with neuropathic pain to some extent.

The cause of neuropathic pain

Diabetes (both type 1 and type 2) is one of the most common causes of neuropathic pain because over time, the high blood sugar levels that are commonly associated with diabetes damage the nerves. Other causes include physical injury to the nerves through an accident or by design, or viral infections such as shingles. Neuropathic pain can also be a side effect of some medications (such as chemotherapy or anti-biotics) or can be caused by damage during surgery.

Certain health conditions are associated with neuropathic pain including:

  • excessive alcohol drinking for years
  • underactive thyroid gland
  • low levels of vitamin B12 or other vitamins
  • chronic liver disease or chronic kidney disease
  • certain types of cancer
  • conditions caused by over activity of the immune system, such as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus

Symptoms of neuropathic pain

There are a wide range of symptoms depending on what specific nerves are affected.


The condition first develops in the extremities of the body, such as the feet, hands, legs and arms and the main signs to look out for are constant or fluctuating

  • numbness or tingling in the feet or hands
  • burning, stabbing or shooting pain in affected areas
  • loss of balance and co-ordination
  • muscle weakness, especially in the feet

Neuropathic pain can be painful and severely erode your quality of life. Other symptoms can include

  • allodynia - pain evoked by light stimuli
  • dysesthesias electric shock sensations or “pins and needles,” or sensations of coldness or heat, or numbness

Conventional medical treatment for neuropathic pain

Treatment for neuropathic pain will obviously depend on the underlying cause and the type of symptoms so in diabetic patients for example, blood sugar levels will be controlled. Nerve pain may be treated with special prescribed medication as standard painkillers don't usually work. Muscle weakness may be treated with physiotherapy and the use of walking aids.

The most commonly prescribed treatments come from drugs of the tricyclic and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) antidepressant classes, anticonvulsants, opioids, and certain topical agents. Unfortunately, a great many patients only receive partial benefit from such treatments and many people cannot tolerate such medications. Clinical trials have demonstrated that less than half of all patients suffering from neuropathic pain gain any meaningful relief from taking prescribed drugs. There is a need therefore, for additional treatments.

Medical marijuana and neuropathic pain

Fortunately, medical marijuana is fast gaining recognition as an effective method of pain relief for neuropathic pain. This is particularly fortuitous given that many neuropathic pain patients are not responsive to traditional pharmaceutical treatments.

Research undertaken at the University of California in 2012 documented the effects of low (1.3% THC) and medium (3.5% THC) doses of vaporized cannabis on patients suffering from central and peripheral neuropathic pain. There were 39 patients in the study and the results showed that cannabis was effective in providing substantial pain relief in 57% of the low dose group and 61% of the medium dose group. This backed up previous research undertaken by Dr. Donald Abrams and his research team who had found that cannabis relieved neuropathic pain in approximately half of patients suffering with HIV-associated peripheral neuropathy. These studies pointed to a temporary decline in cognitive performance, most prominently in learning and memory as a side-effect of using cannabis, however, such a side-effect is generally considered acceptable to patients with chronic pain and the effect was less prominent at the lower dosage (1.3% THC) and “unlikely to have significant impact on daily functioning”.

Elsewhere, animal studies and anecdotal human evidence note that cannabis is effective in the treatment of painful peripheral neuropathy. Research at the Centre for Medicinal Cannabis Research (CMCR) at the University of California completed five placebo-controlled phase II clinical trials with smoked or inhaled cannabis backs this up as does another study reported from Canada where patients with HIV neuropathy and other neuropathic conditions, found for the efficacy of cannabis in comparison to traditional agents, and better than SSRIs and anticonvulsants. Side effects in these studies were modest: light-headedness, mild difficulties in concentration and memory, tachycardia, and fatigue. Serious side effects, such as severe anxiety, paranoia, psychotic symptoms were not observed.

Findings suggest that because oral administration of cannabinoids (e.g., as dronabinol, marketed as Marinol) can result in inconsistent blood levels due to variations in absorption and first-pass metabolism effects, cannabis ingested through a spray (such as nabiximols, marketed as Sativex) are preferable to oral administration.

Medical marijuana for neuropathic pain – Sensible Seeds

The Sensible Seeds team are constantly updating the list of marijuana seeds available to sufferers of neuropathic pain along with a wide variety of other chronic illnesses and diseases suffered by medical marijuana patients. Keep checking back at the Sensible Seeds website for updates on medical marijuana for neuropathic pain or contact us for advice and further information. Check out the Sensible Seeds cannabis seed bank and remember we offer discreet shipping of cannabis seeds direct to your door.

Marijuana Strains Good For Neuropathy


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Sensible Seeds source all their medical marijuana information from related MMJ sites on the web. This information comes from reliable sources though we cannot be 100% certain of its accuracy. Medical Marijuana strains listed for helping certain medical conditions are again sourced from other medical marijuana web sites and are not officially approved by any government organisation. Recommended strains usually come from individuals that discovered that a particular strain helped them for a particular condition though this may vary from person to person. Our Medical information serves only as a guideline and customers are advised to make their own independent research. Sensible Seeds are not qualified medical practitioners and source any medical info from information already present on the internet. We cannot accept any liability for any issue arising for information provided on our website.

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